He Is Coming, so Let Us Prepare!

AM Psalm 1, 2, 3; PM Psalm 4, 7
Amos 2:6-16; 2 Pet. 1:1-11; Matt. 21:1-11

I admit to being jolted into Advent while preparing this Morning Reflection. I was reading along and agreeing with Psalm 2 appointed for today when the Psalmist asks “Why are the nations in an uproar?” As many of us who participate in Becoming Beloved Community at St. Paul’s have asked this same question, I was focused on the theme of the need for brotherly kindness and Christian love as espoused in our reading from 2 Peter 1-11. So I had quite a jolt when I began reading Matthew 21: 1-11 and found myself in the account of Jesus requesting of 2 disciples to bring to him a donkey and a colt. What? I said to my Bible, that is Easter, not November.

So I consulted my liturgical calendar: yes indeed Advent 2021 begins November 28!

My personal reflection and prayer then is that the coming of our savior again on a donkey will finally bring brotherly kindness and Christian love into the world. As the Episcopal Church.org website says about Becoming Beloved Community, “we dream and work to foster Beloved Community where all people may experience dignity and abundant life and see themselves and others as beloved children of God.” Amen!

Written by Karen Hodges

...who is committed anew to Becoming Beloved Community after listening to a speaker at the UA on November 8 who survived the Holocaust as a child by escaping from Amsterdam (he lived near Anne Frank ) into Argentina where he was reunited with his family. I still feel tears forming thinking about it all.


The First Disciple


Constant Love