Chosen to Be Chosen Again

AM Psalm 61, 62 • PM Psalm 112, 115
Zeph. 3:14-20 • Titus 1:1-16 • Luke 1:1-25

In today’s gospel reading we are introduced to Zacharias and Elizabeth. Zacharias was chosen to perform the very high privilege at the temple with the duty of burning the incense. There were 24 divisions of priest and the odds of being chosen was a once in a lifetime experience.

I can’t help but imagine that Zacharias was extremely moved and grateful for the privilege of being chosen to serve in the temple.

How awestruck and amazed Zacharias must’ve been when he entered the temple to perform his holy duty! Only to then be visited by the angel Gabriel who tells him that he and his wife, Elizabeth have been chosen by God to give birth to a son they will name John and he will be great in the sight of the Lord and be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Zacharias has trouble believing all that Gabriel is telling him in this astounding visit and questions how what he says could possibly be true. He and Elizabeth are old and she is beyond her child bearing years. Gabriel, a bit perturbed that Zacharias doubts all this, mutes him until the day that all these things occur.

Has this ever happened to you?

Well...I mean not that exactly! But have you ever looked back on your life and seen where God had a hand in choosing a path for your life that then led to another path God has chosen for you that you would never have thought to choose on your own, and you are gob smacked each time it happens?

It never occurred to me that I would become a storyteller. And then I took a road trip to the National Storytelling Festival with my librarian friend years ago and I was moved to become a storyteller myself. Never in a million years would I have dreamed that God would lead my storytelling skills to share the gift of storytelling with those whose voices are silenced by prison. Never in a million years would I have dreamed that that calling would eventually lead to God’s calling for the diaconate to serve as deacon for St. Paul’s.

As I pondered today’s gospel reading I am reminded of God’s hand in choosing the paths I have followed and I am filled with awe and wonder and thanksgiving as I reflect back on that.

How about you?

Written by Kathy McGregor

Kathy McGregor who continues to wonder what God has planned for what happens next.


“I Know Nothing” – Sgt. Schultz


Come Closer, Go Away!