Celebration Sunday: October 18, 2020

Even when we are apart, we are a busy church. Here are some of the ways that St. Paul's has continued to carry out God's work in our parish and in our community. We are helping those in need. We are forming new disciples of Jesus. We are standing up for justice. We are making joyful music. We are worshiping God together.

When you share your gifts with St. Paul's, you shine your light along with everyone else's. What part of your income will you devote to what God is doing in and through St. Paul's in 2021? In the weeks ahead, the Vestry will adopt a budget based on your commitments. Every penny that is given to St. Paul's is used for the mission of our church. As the pandemic has presented new challenges, we have found new and faithful ways to respond to them. You can count on the leaders of our church to use your gifts to meet the needs around us no matter what next year will bring.

If you are anxious or unsure about your financial situation, do not forget that we only ask for an estimate of your giving. If your income should be less than you anticipate, your gifts should also be less. We cannot plan for the coming year until we hear from you. This weekend, make plans to turn in your commitment card either in person, online, or by putting it in the mail. You can learn more about stewardship at St. Paul's here


Shine your light, share your gifts


Stewardship Talk: Trent Palmer