Listening and Engagment Session
With Bishop John Harmon
Saturday October 12 from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Join Bishop Harmon for a collaborative conversation, a gathering aimed at celebrating and growing the ministry of the Episcopal Church in Arkansas. Attendees will reflect on their experiences, share stories, and express their hopes for the future. We look forward to a meaningful exchange of ideas and a renewed sense of community that will strengthen our life together.
The event will last approximately two hours, and St. Paul’s will provide light refreshments. See the agenda below for your reference.
Please RSVP if you plan to attend. You may sign up using this link, or the QR code below.
If you have questions, please reach out to Michael McNeely (501-320-6417) or Chrissy Cavender (501-372-2168). Thank you for contributing your voice to these important discussions.
Please RSVP for this event.
Use the QR Code or this link to let us know that you are attending.
Event Agenda
I. Welcome, Prayer, and Introductions (20 min)
Participants are encouraged to sit with individuals from different congregations.
After a welcome and prayer from Bishop Harmon, attendees will introduce
themselves to those at their table by briefly answering the following (or similar)
(1) What is your name?
(2) Which church do you attend?
(3) What is your favorite liturgical season?
The bishop will then introduce the facilitator for the appreciative inquiry exercise.
II. Listening and Engagement Conversation (60 min)
Three Questions will be asked. Follow these steps for each question.
Personal: Write your answer to the question on a sticky note or two. (2 min)
In Groups: Share your answer with your neighbors, listen to their answers. (8min)
Report out: Each table reports to the whole room. (12 min)
Collect the sticky notes. A compilation of the responses will be made.
The Three Questions:
1. What are your aspirations?
2. What are your concerns?
3. What do you appreciate and value most about the Episcopal Church
in Arkansas?
III. Remarks, Questions, and Closing Prayer (20 min)
The bishop may make observations and comments and then invite questions from the floor.