St. Martin's Peer Coordinator - Gus McLellan

We are pleased to announce that Gus McLellan has accepted the call to serve as Peer Coordinator at St. Martin's. Gus is a member of St. Paul's and a student at the UofA. She has been active at St. Martin's for over a year, and she will focus her ministry in three areas 1) fostering community at St. Martin's through weekly contact, dinner, and worship; 2) ensuring St. Martin's is open and accessible throughout the week to members of the community; and 3) connecting other students with pastoral and sacramental support at St. Paul's. Gus will need LOTS of help from willing volunteers, so stay tuned! Please join us in welcoming Gus to this new role!


Doing or Being? For or With?


Listening and Engagment Session