Much to Celebrate


Celebration Sunday at St. Paul’s is only a few weeks away, and we have much to celebrate. Think of all the things in your life and in the life we share for which you are grateful. In a season of considerable struggle and collective anxiety, we may need to think a little harder than usual to name them, but, just below the surface, on the other side of every mask, there is a litany of blessings for us to celebrate.

We have family and friends who love us, and we love them back. Most of us have access to a vaccine that has the power to bring life closer to normal, and children under twelve are likely to have access to that vaccine soon. Many of us are able to gather together for worship, and almost all of us have access to technology that can keep us connected when we need to stay physically apart. We live in a wonderful community and a fabulous country and in a world that is resplendent with God’s beauty. We belong to a God who knows us and loves us and calls us each by name and who empowers us to share God’s love with others.

We are part of a church that believes in sharing that love not only in theory but also in practice—not only in word but also in deed. The people of St. Paul’s are not content simply to show up in church and receive God’s blessings but are eager to celebrate them with others, especially those in need. This week, our Vestry voted to give $10,000 away to Canopy NWA and St. James Missionary Baptist Church, which are two organizations that offer direct assistance to vulnerable people. Our parish has volunteers in these and many other organizations in in the community because we believe that we are called to serve others in God’s name. That is something for all of us to celebrate.

Every year, I feel God nudging me to do a little bit more, to share a little bit more, to give a little bit more of myself to God’s work in the world. When I consider all of the ways that God is filling my life with blessings and think about all of the ways that our church enables us to share our blessings with others, I want the part of my life that belongs to God to grow. How can I give myself back to God more fully? How can I be a bigger part of the work of love that God is doing all around me?

On Sunday, October 24, we have an opportunity to come together and celebrate all that God is doing in our lives. This celebration is an opportunity for renewal—to renew our place in the church, to renew our connection with God and each other, to renew our commitment to share our blessings with others, and to renew our faith in the one who provides for us. That Sunday, we will have a festive breakfast from 8am until 11am, and it will be served both in the parish hall and also under a huge tent on the greenspace by the playground. Those who can only come to church or to breakfast are still invited, and those who need to worship from home can join in the celebration online.

If you have not responded to our invitation to breakfast, please do so by this Sunday, October 3. Between now and Celebration Sunday, take some time each day to be thankful to God, and celebrate in your own way all that God has given you. Listen out for teachings from me and lay leaders on how stewardship is a spiritual practice designed to help us grow in our faith. And consider how you might give a little more of yourself back to God.

Yours Faithfully,



Wednesday Dinner Menu


Blessing of the Animals (& Stuffed Animals)