Tippy McMichael Lecture Series Welcomes Nurya Love Parish

October 8 & 9, 2022
Parish Hall + YouTube Livestream

The Tippy McMichael Lecture Series is delighted to welcome Episcopal priest, author, and founding Executive Director of Plainsong Farm & Ministry, the Rev. Nurya Love Parish

Saturday’s event includes a reception at 6:00 pm, followed by the lecture at 7:00 pm on Belonging and Renewal: Christian Discipleship and Climate Crisis.

Sunday’s lecture, Behold I Do a New/Old Thing: Plainsong Farm & Ministry in Theory and Practice, begins at 10 am.

Nursery is available for both days’ events. You may also participate online by viewing a livestream of the event on our YouTube channel.

About Nurya Love Parish

The Rev. Nurya Love Parish is an adult convert to Christianity, a graduate of Harvard Divinity School, a priest in the Episcopal Church, and the founding Executive Director of Plainsong Farm & Ministry. Plainsong is an agency of the Episcopal Church with the mission to cultivate connections between people, places and God as a place that nurtures belonging and the radical renewal of God’s world. Programs include a young adult residential fellowship as well as immersive service/learning and discipleship experiences. Her book Resurrection Matters: Church Renewal for Creation’s Sake was published in 2018; she was the author of the Episcopal Church’s youth and young adult climate justice curriculum “Easter People: Faith Practice in Climate Crisis” in 2021.


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