Vestry Election

Dear St. Paul's:

This year, for our vestry election, we are using an electronic ballot with ranked choice or "instant runoff" voting. If you are eligible to vote (see below), you are invited to rank all of the candidates according to your preference, and we will use these rankings to determine who has been elected, including all necessary runoffs. If you have trouble with the electronic ballot, please call Leslie Alexander in the church office (479-442-7373). If you need to complete a paper version of this ballot, Leslie will schedule a time when you can come to the office to do so. All ballots must be submitted by noon on December 13.

In order to vote in the vestry election you must

  1. be at least 16 years old

  2. be a baptized member of St. Paul’s

  3. be a member for at least the last 30 days

  4. participate in worship at least three times a year

  5. be part of a household that has made a financial commitment to St. Paul’s or that cannot afford to make a commitment. (You can make your 2021 commitment here.)

To read about the nominees, click here.

To complete your ballot, click here.

As a reminder, you may only vote once. There will be no separate runoff ballots. Again, if you have trouble with the electronic ballot, please call Leslie.

I am grateful to all of the nominees for their willingness to serve on our vestry. Please pray for them and for the entire vestry. The leaders of our parish depend on your support.

Yours Faithfully,

Evan D. Garner


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