
The Rev. Casey Anderson-Molina
Chaplain, St. Martin’s Episcopal Center at the University of Arkansas

Casey Anderson-Molina is the chaplain at St. Martin’s Episcopal Center at the University of Arkansas.

Casey is passionate about all things transitional; this includes being a college student and being a young adult. He is passionate about cultivating holy places where all are welcome. He is passionate about Love, that is to say, God. He is concerned about ways we can deepen our relationship with Jesus and heighten our awareness of God’s presence.

Casey has served as the secretary to the vestry, a Eucharistic Minister, and a Sunday School teacher. He completed chaplaincy training at Medstar hospital in Washington, D.C., and completed his time in seminary working closely with the chaplain and associate chaplain of Sewanee: The University of the South. These experiences, and others, have provided ways for him to discern, communicate, and learn how God is active, particularly in places of trauma, instability, and growth.

Casey is a coffee connoisseur, a beginner knitter (put another way: he begins a lot of knitting projects!), and a lover of books.