Adult Formation

Sunday Morning Formation

Sunday Morning Formation

Wednesday Evening Formation

Wednesday Evening Formation

Recent Offerings

Adult Forum

Adult Forum explores topics relating to theology, discipleship, and current events. We meet Sunday Mornings during the Formation Hour.

All-Parish Read

The All-Parish Read offers our parish the opportunity to come together and reflect on a book. We hope every member of our congregation will join us, whether you are reading on your own or joining a group for discussion.

Becoming Beloved Community

St. Paul’s Becoming Beloved Community ministry works to dismantle racism and foster healing, justice, and reconciliation within our parish and the wider community.

The Bible Challenge

Have you ever read the Bible—the whole thing? St. Paul's is taking The Bible Challenge for the year 2023. We are offering a schedule of daily readings and times for weekly small group discussion.

Daughters of the King

Daughters of the King are Christian women who pledge themselves to a lifelong discipline of prayer, service, and evangelism, and are supported through the companionship of their sisters.

Dream Group

Dream Group meets twice monthly. Bring your dreams into a group process and learn different methods of dreamwork.

Education for Ministry

Education for Ministry is a four year program of study, worship, and theological reflection. It includes an in-depth study of the Old Testament, New Testament, Christian history, and modern theological thought.

EfM Alumni

Graduates of the Education for Ministry program read the interlude books chosen for this year’s EfM curriculum and gather to discuss the reading and engage together in theological reflection.

Friends of Jung

Friends of Jung meets twice monthly. Each year we focus on a different area of study within Carl Jung’s body of work.

Inquirers Class

Inquirers class, offered twice yearly, is our introduction to the basics of Christianity from the perspective of The Episcopal Church and St. Paul’s: our ethos, theology, structure, customs, and attitudes.

Lectionary Study

Lectionary Study meets weekly. Adults of all ages are invited to read and discuss the appointed scriptures for the upcoming Sunday.

Mind-Body Offerings

Join us as we move in the loving presence of God. St. Paul's offers yoga and movement opportunities throughout the week for adults of all ages.

Parenting Discussion Group

Parents with kids of any age are invited to join in a discussion group. We meet during Sunday School near the children's ministry classrooms.

Practicing Presence

Practicing Presence is a weekly book discussion that opens with twenty-five minutes of meditation or silent prayer. We meet Sunday mornings during the Formation Hour.

Rector’s Bible Study

The Rector’s Bible Study, led by The Rev. Evan D. Garner, meets weekly. Previous in-depth series have included Jacob, Elijah, Esther, Mary, and Resurrection Encounters.

Sage-ing Group

Sage-ing is a group of seniors (60+) who meet monthly. We reflect on the experience of aging from a spiritual perspective and discuss the challenges and gifts of growing older in light of our faith.

Scriptural History

We strive to deepen our understanding of the contexts in which the Scriptures were written. We conduct research and discuss the history, geography, laws, rulers, and daily habits of the people described in each section of the Bible.

TGIF: Young Adult Book Club

TGIF meets monthly in for a book discussion. St. Paul’s Young Adult Ministry welcomes all people age 20 - 35.

Theology on Tap

Theology on Tap is a monthly book club and conversation group, held off-site in a casual restaurant/bar setting.

Tippy McMichael Lecture Series

The Tippy McMichael Lecture Series explores a wide range of spiritual issues and features accomplished speakers from various disciplines and religious traditions.

Women’s Book Study

The Women’s Book Study meets monthly and welcomes women of all ages.