Daughters of the King


Daughters of the King are Christian women who pledge themselves to a lifelong discipline of prayer, service, and evangelism, and are supported through the companionship of their sisters.


Daughters of the King News

Frequently Asked Questions

What do the Daughters do at St. Paul’s?

In addition to praying St. Paul’s prayer list daily, the Trinity Chapter does many service projects around the church including:

  1. Supplying the church with prayer cards to add to the church and daughters prayer list.

  2. Keeping a basket of blankets and shawls in the narthex to be used by mothers with babies, individuals who are cold or just need to snuggle with something soft.

  3. Preparing Welcome bags.

  4. Encouraging the use of the UTO (United Thank Offering) boxes.

  5. Sponsoring “Quiet Days” for growth and reflection

How does someone become a member?

Having received the approval of her priest, she will enter a period of preparation for three months. This is a time of concentrated study, training, service and prayer. Six weeks prior to her formal admission into the Order, her registration fee and application for membership shall be sent to the national office. At the admission service she will take the vow of the Order and will receive the cross of the Order (HB 33, 12). These steps may be outlined as follows:

  1. Ask any Daughter for permission to visit a meeting, prayer session or Assembly.

  2. Be prepared to serve a three month period of preparation for membership which will be devoted to concentrated  study training, service and prayer under the guidance of the Chapter. The beginning of this period of preparation should be marked by “A Service for the Beginning of a Three Month Preparation for Membership.”

  3. Pay registration fee and other dues as the Chapter Treasurer directs.

  4. Be received into the Order at a “Service of Admission.”