
Curtis Moneymaker
Youth Minister

ext. 823

Curtis is the Youth Minister at St. Paul’s. Before that, he volunteered with St. Paul’s Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) while working at coffee shops around Fayetteville. On Sunday mornings, he often serves as an Acolyte, a Lay Reader, a Eucharistic Minister, or an Usher. He attended John Brown University, in Siloam Springs, where he received a B.A. in Biblical and Theological Studies, and Philosophy.

Curtis believes that God can best be known and represented among us when we become a community that is committed to recognizing God’s sacred love for all people while embodying that love in service towards and acceptance of our neighbors. As Youth Minister, Curtis works alongside staff, clergy, and volunteers in order help our youths in the pursuit of being a community that discovers God’s love for each of them and equipping them to carry a sense of that community wherever they go.

Curtis lives in Fayetteville, where he likes hanging out in a coffee shop reading a book, taking a walk on one of our trails, learning more about Theology, and trying out a new restaurants.