
The Rev. Lora Walsh
Priest Associate

Lora Walsh is a Priest Associate at St. Paul’s. Lora is passionate about nurturing the spirituality of contemplatives-in-action, building inclusive institutions, and encouraging life-long learning and relentless inquiry. She teaches formation classes, serves at the altar, and preaches regularly on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. On other Sundays, she sits in the back pew with her family, including children ages 7, 6, and 2.

Before moving to Arkansas, Lora was a Jesuit Volunteer for two years in Kathmandu, Nepal, and she directed Episcopal Service Corps programs for five years. She holds a PhD in Medieval Christianity from Northwestern University and is hard at work on a book called Lady Church: Reformations of the First Christian Goddess, 1350-1650. Her other publications have appeared in Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, Journal of Early Christian Studies, and Harvard Theological Review.

Born in Montana and raised in Arizona and California, Lora loves camping and hiking in almost every landscape, including the Ozarks. Thanks to her children, she’s reviving her interests in piano and improving her chess game. She couldn’t make it through the day without the Prayer of Self-Dedication each morning (BCP p. 832) and the Ignatian Examen each night.