Your First Visit


You are welcome in this place, and you are welcome at God's table!

We say those words every week, and we mean them. Whether you come for worship, formation, fellowship, or service, you are invited to join us fully as we explore and celebrate God's infinite grace, acceptance, and love.

About the Services

7:30 am

The 7:30 service uses the traditional Elizabethan English of Holy Eucharist Rite One with a contemplative mood. It is a quiet, spoken service without music.

8:45 am

The 8:45 service uses the contemporary language of Holy Eucharist Rite Two, and features music from our youth choir.

11:00 am

The 11:00 a.m. service uses the contemporary language of Holy Eucharist Rite Two, and is anchored by music from the St. Paul Choir.

What to Expect in Worship

Our worship is an expression of our love of God and one another. We worship with our whole selves—standing to praise, sitting to hear, and kneeling to pray. Holy Communion is celebrated every week, and we believe that Jesus Christ is present with us in the bread and wine. All who seek the transformed life of Jesus are invited to receive Communion regardless of their church background.

To receive Communion, come down the center aisle as directed by the usher. Kneeling or standing, hold out your hands to receive the bread. Help guide the chalice of wine to your lips. If you prefer to receive a blessing, come forward and cross your arms over your chest.

Children & Families

Children of all ages are welcome in church. Do not worry about restless or noisy children, as they learn best by being present with us.

Nursery care is available for children 3 and under on Sundays from 8:30 am - 12:30 pm.

After the second lesson, children in second grade and below are invited to follow the cross and process to Children's Chapel. They will return at the Peace to take Communion with their families

Christian Formation

10:00 am

During the 10 o’clock hour, we offer classes for children, youth, and adults of all ages. Tap the button below to learn more about our current offerings.

Breakfast & Parish Life

Breakfast is served in the kitchen on Sundays from 8 - 11 am, with seating available in the Parish Hall.

We ask everyone to pay what they can for breakfast, including a donation for those who cannot. We recommend $8 for a full breakfast, $5 for a child-size breakfast, $3 for a continental breakfast (no meat or eggs), and $2 for extra bacon.

Refreshments are offered in the Welcome Center after the 11:00 worship service. Enjoy coffee, snacks, and each other’s company.


Your First Visit: Wednesdays